A hoity toity middle-to-upper class
residential area. The Olympus Science Center is
visible in the top left hand corner. Science Centers can be built when
the Sim
population's IQ reaches a certain level. Indeed, Olympus Sims are no imbeciles.
A view of my lovely castle in Olympus.
How exactly does one build such a glorious monstrosity?
Nudge, nudge, wink, wink. Just call cousin Vinnie.
The University is another idyllic
place of learning in Olympus -
the city of dreaming spires. The department of
Forgotten Mathematics is my firm favourite.
Farms, farms, farms galore!
In the outskirts of Olympus, these sweet little farms abound.
I'm particularly proud of these, they took a LOT of work to cultivate
and they're all preserved as historical to ensure that unscrupulous industrial
developers don't take over my acres and acres of bucolic paradise.