Getting started in a MUD is simple - you only need a computer, a modem (9600 baud and above recommended) and telnet access to the Internet. As MUDs are really complex computer programs that run in a variety of servers, there is a mind-boggling variety available on the Internet today. Anyone with a permanent connection to the Net and some computer knowledge can set up a MUD in his or her computer. So, it is important that you choose the right MUD to log into - there are MUDlists available on the Web or Gopher which provide the necessary information about the types of MUDs and their addresses. In general, each MUD is characterised by a name, a theme and a particular telnet address.
Once you have established a telnet connection to a MUD of your choice, a title screen should appear and a prompt asking for your character's name. Choose any name you wish, although if this name has already been taken by someone else, you will not be able to use it. Be creative! You will then be prompted to enter your password. This will be your password for subsequent logins into the MUD, so be sure you remember this! Passwords can be changed once you have successfully entered the game using a command similiar to UNIX's 'passwd'. You may be required to select your gender, race or whatever attributes a particular player may possess in that MUD - this differs slightly from one MUD to another. Remember that you are playing an Internet persona, so your MUD character need not bear any resemblance whatsoever to your actual self!
% telnet
2000 Trying Connected to Escape character is '^['. Welcome to LustyMud (version 2.4.5-D) What is your gender (male/female):
female ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *************************** ----------------------------> Important rules <------------------------------------------------------- No profanity or harassment will be tolerated. Please type 'help rules' for more information on game rules. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Claw marks go up the wall. Before you is the carved figurine of a ship's
figurehead. It is of a beautiful woman with outstretched arms. Rumored
to be ensouled by the very Lady of the Lake that she's named for, she is
burdened with bringing praying lost souls back to the realm of the living. >who (s) Wanderer the Crazy DiGniTary! (independent) >(s) Wanderer shouts 'survivor mine plz' >i |
As an utter novice, there isn't very much you can do except wander around
and familiarise yourself with the area before attempting to take on any
NPCs. As a newbie, asking other, more experienced players logged on at
the same time is always a good way to start. The 'who' command shows you
the list of players currently logged on in LPMuds. Other MUDs require you
to be formally introduced to a character before you can even recognise
A SAMPLE MUD SESSION #2: Interaction with Other Players
>You are in the Safe House Stormhaven. A cheery fire burns in the fireplace. >Billyjack arrives. say Hey, squaw! What's cooking? hug billyjack >You hug Billyjack. >i You are carrying: A hookah. score >You are Artemis the Master Spy (level
19) (Safe House 4) >Billyjack drops a chainmail bikini. get bikini >You get a chainmail bikini. wear bikini >Ok. >Billyjack whistles appreciatively at you. |
Here are some very basic MUD commands that will help you get started.
who | This command gives you a list of all the players currently logged on and a list of wizards who choose to remain 'visible' to the rest of the MUD. A very useful command to check out who is playing and what level(s) they are. |
exa <item> |
The command 'look' by itself allows you look at your surroundings, at the description of the room you are standing in. If you choose to 'exa' (or examine) something, you have to type the noun in. This allows you to inspect an item more closely. |
i, inventory | This enables you to check what you are carrying at the moment. Most newbies start off empty handed. |
score | This is an important command which allows you to check your most crucial player attributes, such as your health, spell points, money, total experience accumulated etc. It is essentially your MUD scorecard. |
say <string>
tell <name> <string> |
'say' lets you to type something in a room and have everyone in that room only see it. This is one of the most common ways of conversing on a MUD. If the player is not in the same room as you, or if you intend a message to reach only a particular player's ears, use the latter command 'tell'. Only the player with the specified name will receive your message string. |
get <item>,
drop <item> |
You will come across items lying around in the MUD. You can pick them up and use them, or sell them for quick cash. The commands are 'get' and 'drop' for picking up and dropping items respectively. |
kill <monster> | If you encounter an NPC you think you could subdue easily, you can do this, although in your newbie days, be prepared to subdued in return many, many times over! |
shout <string> | Only use this sparingly. Shouts will reach everyone logged on the MUD at the time, unless they are wearing special coding 'earmuffs' to block out shouts. You may use this the first time you log in to ask someone for help - if you're in luck, a player might arrive to show you the ropes. |
wear <item>,
wield <item> |
Quite often, the items you find in the MUD are either weapons or armour. Armour is essentially anything a player can wear. Wearing armour protects a player and lessens the damage an agressive NPC might inflict in battle. Wielding a weapon,depending on the type, increases the damage you do to others in a fight. |
quit | A command few are willing to type after their first 15 minutes of MUD! This command gets you back to the real world, but not before auto-saving your character attributes first. |
ArtemisWorks 1996