![]() Screenshot of my PC desktop Gnome/Sawfish, Red Hat 7.0 |
![]() Screenshot of my laptop desktop KDE 1.1, Red Hat 5.2 |
Artemis' Humble Linux Pages A Geek's Online Diary
![]() by Marcel Gagne A highly recommended read for those curious about the innards of their beloved Penguins. Written in a highly entertaining style typical of his monthly Linux Journal column, Mr. Gagne manages to amuse and inform - unusual for a geek textbook. A must-read for anyone who runs Linux (or is interested in doing so!). |
Artemis's Links to All Things Linux
Linux Online
The Linux Documentation
Project An absolutely essential place to visit for all your Linux
Slashdot The true geek's web
hangout for news and rumours.
Linux Kernels Get your freshly
baked kernels here!
Kernel Newbies is the
homepage of the IRC channel dealing with newbies and their interminable
questions: "How do I compile my own kernel?"
Linux Weekly News (LWN) The one-stop
website for all the latest news and reviews for the penguin OS.
Linux HQ The headquarters of
all things Linux.
Linux Questions
Linux Journal THE
best Linux magazine I've read!
The Linux Gazette
Linux Planet
GNU Project No Linux links page
will be complete without a link to GNU - the birthplace of the Free OS.
Linux For Laptops A one-stop
shop for laptop owners who also use Linux.
O'Reilly - Linux The best
computer books publisher ever!
Linux Links A search-engine
style portal for all things Linux.
Woven Goods for Linux
A fantastic portal for Linux with links to all the latest, available Linux
HARDWARE MADE SIMPLE even for slow penguins!
Linux Hardware For the
Linux geek who wants to get deeper....
PCMCIA Information Page
Another site to visit if you have PCMCIA
slots in your laptop and need to use the Card Services manager.
The ultimate Linux Printing-HOWTO, solutions for common problems and a database
of Linux-compatible printers to avoid those hardware headaches.
Scanner Access Now Easy. The website for all your scanning and Linux USB
needs. Get your drivers here, as well as tips and pointers. Karl Heinz Kramer
and friends are wholly responsible for helping me get my Epson scanner working!
If you want to get a Winmodem to work with your Linux system and are prepared
to do some geeking around, then look no further.
Linux Parallel Port Homepage
All about Linux support for parallel ports.
If you want Linux in your palm, maybe you'd better get a PDA and surf here.
World domination is close at hand...
The only site you really need to visit for all your freebie Linux software.
Updated daily!
The largest repository of Open Source software, another place to hunt down
that elusive application to keep track of your pet rock collection.
Linuxberg (Tucows.com)
Another excellentLinux software download site, Tucows for Linux.
Another free software download site for Linux. Penguins will never go hungry.
Linux Voodoo
A comprehensive site where you can download Linux drivers, software and
much more.
The KDE project, a leading desktop manager for Linux. This is my other desktop
manager apart from Gnome, and some of its applications, particularly KMail
and KOffice, are indispensable tools and I can barely imagine life without
Another desktop manager, not as fully-featured as KDE some may say, but
in my opinion it looks a bit prettier.
Want to upgrade a library, or locate a missing one? No problem at all with
RPMFind, which searches its repository of RPMs for easy download.
A site to search for all the latest RPMs for your applications and libraries.
The official X-Windows homepage which essentially provides the GUI engine
for Linux systems.
Window Managers For X
The definitive guide to all the window managers available out there for
X-Windows. I personally use Sawfish.
Please give this website a good look for it deserves at least a browse.
Get all your Gnome and KDE desktop themes here.
The Gimp
A powerful, completely free graphics manipulation package - Linux's answer
to Adobe Photoshop.
One of the leading 3-D modelling and animation software for Linux. Very
powerful graphics package.
Full of vim and vigour, this is the GUI answer to the best geeky text editor
since the scratchpad, vi.
The LaTeX Project
The only "word-processor" worth its salt, the type-setting language
takes a bit of learning but is well worth it for the truly professional
results it produces.
This is a WYSIWYG front-end that uses LaTeX as an engine, to ease one into
the world of LaTeX. It's a great effort and deserves looking into.
The LaTeX Navigator
Links to all things LaTeX-related.
WINDOZE EMULATORS... for those who need a bit of Redmond in their boxes
If you want to run Windows applications on your Linux system, check this
free emulator out. Wine (Windows-Emulator) has come a very long way since
I first used it to play Solitaire!
A commercial product for running different OSes on Linux inside a virtual
machine. I've tried this with Windows and it is really amazing.
spice up the World Wide Wait
The Open Source browser, a spin-off from the gang at Netscape. It's fast
and looks quite spiffing.
Of course Opera is touted as the fastest browser in the West (and East).
I love its multiple-windows capability, the only browser to provide such
a feature, but alas, the free version still does not have complete scripting
KDE's browser project deserves a link of its own just because it supports
Javascript and other web-scripting standards so well. And it's all free.
The X Multi-Media System for Linux, an MP3 and MPEG player with enough features
to seriously rival any other OS's counterparts. Also supports Ogg Vorbis
The free MP3 player for both Linux and Windows.
LiViD: The Linux Video and DVD Project
Now you can even watch movies on your Linux box!
The best webserver there is, it's free and it runs on Linux!
The Netfilter/IPTables firewall project, worth a thoroughly good read -
don't leave home without a firewall!
Another website not just for paranoid penguins, it's a good idea to know
what the Black Hat hackers are up to.
Another website with information on the latest hack attacks, vulnerabilities
and so on.
Bastille Linux
A Linux "hardening" script for Red Hat systems. Make sure you
always run this after installing your Red Hat system and before you go online!
Snort, snort, snort out any interlopers in your system. A very good Intrusion
Detection System (IDS) for Linux and other OSes.
One of the most comprehensive and user-friendly Port Scanners available
for Linux. Has a frequently updated database of vulnerability scripts to
test your system.
Another superb port scanner that Nessus also uses.
A network sniffer - find out what's really going on and examine the raw
contents of the packets in your network. A hacker's tool, but also an immensely
useful security-learning tool.
Psionic Software's intrusion detector will automatically block and drop
intruders who scan the "wrong" ports on your system. Implements
"stealth" scanning modes.
GAMES THAT PENGUINS PLAY, for all work and no play makes Tux a dull penguin
Loki Games
It's no longer true that you can't use your Linux box as a games machine.
Search no more for Linux ports to your favourite PC games - find a lot of
it here, although bear in mind it's commercial software.
Even penguins want to have fun! You can even do some beta-testing and get
involved in any games projects if you feel so inclined.
The Linux Game Tome
Another huge Linux games repository. Penguins have too much fun!
So excellent it deserves a link of its own - FlightGear is a sophisticated
flight simulator program for Linux and it is truly excellent! A bit taxing
on the hardware requirements though.
Marcel Gagne - Cooking With Linux
Free thinker and writer at large, he is the author of the "Cooking
With Linux" column in the Linux Journal as well as some books and he
has a great Linux odds-and-ends website. Bon appetit!
- a wonderful bazaar!
Red Hat Arguably the most popular Linux distribution around, I grew
up with them and am unlikely to switch brands unless of course, they get
acquired by Microsoft or something....
Debian Popularly known as the
true geek's Linux distribution.
SuSE Linux
Mandrake Linux Another
Red Hat clone distribution, Mandrake is gaining a reputation for its user-friendliness.
Recommended for Linux newbies.
Yellow Dog Linux Known
as the Red Hat Linux distribution for the MacOS. Yes, Mac users can achieve
OS enlightenment too!
Linux From Scratch
The website for all those who want to build a truly customised Linux system.
Rock Linux If you think you're
a true diehard geek, you should only ever use this no-frills, rock-hard
Dettu[Xx] Linux For
the masochistic Linux geek, here's a distribution to drive you crazy - more
for a good laugh than anything else.
Blackdown Java for Linux
Get the Java Development Kit for Linux systems - the JVM and complete Java
libraries can be downloaded from here. Tis a pity Swing graphics are still
so primitive.
An alternative to X-Windows graphics library, SVGALib is a simpler library
for developing Linux applications.
to begin the adventure!
Ctrl-Escape's Guide
to Configuring LILO
An excellent tutorial for configuring LILO, a rather primitive command line
Linux Loader, which allows you to choose an OS (if you have a multi-boot
system) upon startup. There are better alternatives, of course, like...
The GRand Unified Bootloader is a more sophisticated bootloader from the
GNU Project. A typically no-nonsense webpage.
Linux Emporium
A UK-based online retailer where one can get cheap and even free Linux distribution