this section is titled All
I'm not about to tell you all that much more about myself than the idiosyncratic
spiel on these pages.
I'm a bashful girl and often extremely Greta Garbo-ish
in my desire for solitude, retreating from this often tiresome universe
into my Carmelite den in the late evening hours. I don't have a lot of
spare time so these pages rarely get updated, but when they do, it's usually
a major overhaul.
This is my den in its umpteenth incarnation (and
probably not the last) and maybe, just maybe, I'll win some useless, tacky
award this time around so I can paste it here and be the envy of all my
friends (sic).

What's fishy?
My being a dreamy Piscean is an astrological fact.
My being a cold fish, on the other hand, is still open to debate.
Websites On Me That I've Found:
Sir Karl Popper och Induktivismen is an old undergrad essay of mine that someone translated into Swedish! |
Arty Farty FAQ
Q: Why Artemis?
A: Artemis is a chaste huntress in Greek mythology, goddess
of chastity, twin sister of Apollo and daughter of Zeus and Leto. And oh,
did I mention that she advocates chastity?
Q: And why Arty?
A: Because it rhymes with Farty. (I've been told that this site is
a tad pretentious....)
Q: How do you get to be a geek goddess?
A: There are 39 steps towards becoming a true Geek Goddess. The Way
is never easy. It's best to have started off with an Apple IIe and a calculus
textbook in the mid-80s but even if you haven't, keep at it and do not
despair. Geek Goddesses are not made in a day, or even a decade.
Oh, and it helps to be female.
Q: What is ArtemisWorks anyway?
A: It's not a web design company (I wish!) - it's just a nice, pretentious
and utterly meaningless way of signing my name at the bottom of all my
Q: What do you do in your spare time?
A: Take long walks in Hyde Park. Read books and poetry by suicidal
or dead people. Eat cheese & onion crisps. Pretend I'm writing a novel
on lugubrious, female 20-somethings.
Q: Why are there no pictures of you here?
A: Obviously because of people who ask this question!
Q: This is fantastic! I'm really a recruiter
for [ insert geek company here ] and I want to hire you as a Java developer
for an utterly outrageous sum of money!
A: Why, thank you! My resume is not online but if you're that desperate,
please feel free to email me.
0:-) (smiley avec halo) |